The Simultaneous Engineering is a discipline that puts in cooperation, by overlapping them, different competences in order to reduce the time of the evolution process of a product, from the beginning idea to the realization.
Sisma applies these principles to the production technologies. The working process is not sequential anymore, but the mechanical technologies competences of Sisma are integrated with the ones of the Customer on its own product.
- The drawing of the part to be created is analyzed in order to set-up a Production Strategy
- Based on the decided Strategy, Sisma and the customer analize the Reference and Clamp possible solutions for the machine tooling process.
- Eventually some design compromises are analyzed if needed to reach a more fluid production process.
- Prototypes and machining tests in Sisma’s or Customers’ facilities are performed in order to evaluate the modifications impact on the production process.
- The Results/Improvements sequences iteration generates a looping process that reduces the product time-to-production, by starting the optimization process even before the drawing is finally approved.
This workflow allows to test in advance how the final production cycle will be, thus eliminating the most part of the variables that could delay the project start-up. This results in an effective plant start-up time (and costs) reduction.
““Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” — Paul J. Mayer